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Hotel Silberhorn
CH-3823 Wengen
Telephone: +41 33 856 69 69
Fax: +41 33 856 69 70

There is no road to Wengen and the only way to Wengen is by train from Lauterbrunnen on the Jungfrau railway.

From the free phone call station in Wengen you can call us. Our porter is very happy to help you with your luggage.

During the day trains between Lauterbrunnen and Wengen run every 30 minutes. From 9.30pm they run every hour. Please find the timetable of the train under the following link:

By train

From whole Europe you get excellent train connections to Interlaken East, either direct ones or changing train in Berne. In Interlaken East you have further connections to the regional railways which brings you to Lauterbrunnen. In Lauterbrunnen you change for the Jungfrau railway for coming up to Wengen.

By Car

Take the direction to Interlaken-Lauterbrunnen. At Lauterbrunnen you leave the car in the public car park which is connected with the train station Lauterbrunnen and reachable within only a few steps. To transport your luggage even easier, there are trolleys in the car park at your disposal.

If the parking is full, please drive your car to the train station first and unload it. Then drive on to the parking at the church. The bus shuttle will take you back free of charge to the train station Lauterbrunnen.

From a stay of 5 days in winter / 3 days in summer onwards you can book a parking lot in Lauterbrunnen by yourself.
You will have to pay the fees directly by credit card.

By Plane

International airports are in Geneva, Zurich and Basel. You can reach each airport in approx. 3 hours by train from Wengen or 2 hours by car from Lauterbrunnen.



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